From: on behalf of DC Secretaries
Subject: FW: 09/00909/REM Gavray Drive Bicester

From: Bruce Tremayne [
Sent: 14 August 2009 17:52
To: Planning
Cc: john Broad
Subject: 09/00909/REM Gavray Drive Bicester

Attention Mr Bob Duxbury

I see the above application was registered on 7/7. Holidays have intervened and my comments are somewhat tardy, but I think Dominic Woodfield has encapsulated most of our concerns (his e-mails to you of 20/7 and 23/7 refer), which you are no doubt addressing.

In addition, there also appear to be are some anomalies in the application.
- How can the applicant claim that no definitive footpath/bridleway is affected and then refer later to FP 129/3 and 129/4?
- Equally how can they claim it is not a protected species site given the debates over the marsh fritillary?
- Given the background to the proposal, we would have thought an EIA was mandatory.

yours sincerely
Bruce Tremayne
Chairman CPRE Bicester/Ploughley District)