From: on behalf of DC Secretaries
Subject: FW: Application No: 09/00584/F: Variation of condition 8 and 9 of planning permission 04/02797/OUT

From: Blackwell, Craig - Environment & Economy, Land Use [
Sent: 28 May 2009 14:43
To: Planning
Cc: Allen, Louise - Environment and Economy; Dominic Woodfield - Bioscan;; David Redhead
Subject: Application No: 09/00584/F: Variation of condition 8 and 9 of planning permission 04/02797/OUT

Fao Emily Shaw

Dear Madam

Thank you for consulting me on the above application

I have the following comments to make in relation to varying Conditions 8 and 9

I am satisfied with the proposed variation of conditions 8 and 9
However, but only as far as it is required to permit the detailed reserved matters submissions on road design and drainage for consultation and approval prior to formal approval of the masterplan.  I expect these details to include properly quantified assessments of  imported fill requirements to implement the proposed changes in levels and the on-site SUDS arrangements required by condition.

In advance of the formal submission of the drainage and roads details, I would also expect the submission and approval of a consultation strategy pursuant to condition 7. This would need to include details on stakeholder consultations in relation to reserved matters and condition discharge submissions.

This is in line with the Inspector’s recommendations, as endorsed by the SoS, and as mandated by the Planning Committee earlier this year.

craig blackwell
county ecologist

oxfordshire county council
speedwell house
speedwell street

office: 01865 815873
home: 01608 641 358

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