From: on behalf of DC Secretaries
Subject: FW: Planning Application 08/01449/F & 08/05510/LB

Importance: High


From: Simon Porter [Sent: 06 October 2008 10:13
To: Planning
Subject: Planning Application 08/01449/F & 08/05510/LB
Importance: High

S Porter
The Dairywell
Kenhill Road
OX15 6NQ
6th October 2008
Ref Planning Applications 08/01149/F and 08/05510/LB
Dear Ms King,
I have tried to register unsuccessfully due to a glitch in you system my opposition on line to the above planning and listed building applications which is an adjacent property to my own. The original application was with drawn and recently revises plans have been submitted and I wish to reiterate my opposition to this application originally made on the 21st May 2008 which stated

I wish to express my objection to this application. The proposed location of the the conservatory will mean that the due to the nature of its construction, my dining room will be directly visible from within this structure and thereby an intrusion on our privacy. The view from our house will be changed and spoilt. I also object on the grounds that this structure will change the appearance of a listed building in its setting and surroundings. I further object as this property in general as well as the house has already under gone significant development including a major extension in 1997/98. This and the addition of new  outbuildings as well as increasing the size of other existing structures currently under construction has resulted in a significant increase in the massing of this property. I therefore believe any further development will be detrimental to the setting of the original building and surroundings. Should my objection fail I would ask that a restriction be put on the  construction of the structure to ensure that works are not carried out at weekends and before 9am weekdays so as not to disturb us and other nearby residents in the quiet enjoyment of their own properties. I would also appreciate that a condition be place which would ensure some sort of acceptable vegetation screening be planted that would reduce visibility of our property and ensure our privacy can be maintained.

Yours Sincerely
Simon Porter

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