Comment for planning application 21/04275/OUT

Part OS Parcel 8149 Adj Lords Lane And SE Of Hawkwell Farm Lords Lane Bicester
OUTLINE - with all matters reserved except for Access - Mixed Use Development of up to 3,100 dwellings (including extra care); residential and care accommodation(C2); mixed use local centre (comprising commercial, business and service uses, residential uses, C2 uses, local community uses (F2(a) and F2(b)), hot food takeaways, public house, wine bar); employment area (B2, B8, E(g)); learning and non-residential institutions (Class F1) including primary school (plus land to allow extension of existing Gagle Brook primary school); green Infrastructure including formal (including playing fields) and informal open space, allotments, landscape, biodiversity and amenity space; burial ground; play space (including Neaps/Leaps/MUGA); changing facilities; ground mounted photovoltaic arrays; sustainable drainage systems; movement network comprising new highway, cycle and pedestrian routes and access from highway network; car parking; infrastructure (including utilities); engineering works (including ground modelling); demolition
Case Officer

Denise Pearce
14 Dryden Avenue,Bicester,OX26 2NJ
Type of Comment
There are enough new housing developments In Bicester, we do not need anymore. Howard Lane is busy enough as it is and does not need the extra traffics from HGV's cars and every other form of transport. Who is being paid a back hander this time for pushing through planning permission and granting this unrealistic proposal??? There is no consideration for residents, road infrastructure, countryside or wildlife! Cherwell district council should be ashamed for even considering this application!
Received Date