From: Michelle Jarvis
Sent: 05 February 2008 13:08
To: Stephanie Betts
Subject: FW: Planning Application Ref: 07/02291/OUT Heyford Park

From: Planning
Sent: 05 February 2008 11:58
To: Jenny Barker; Michelle Jarvis
Subject: FW: Planning Application Ref: 07/02291/OUT Heyford Park


Helen Hicks
Planning, Housing and Economy
Cherwell District Council

Ext:  1884
Direct Dial:  01295 221884



From: Gifford, Jinti (NE) []
Sent: 05 February 2008 11:48
To: Planning
Subject: Planning Application Ref: 07/02291/OUT Heyford Park

Dear Ms Barker

Thank you for your letter of 29th January 2008 requesting Natural England's comments. I have no further comments to add to my letter of 7 December 2007. If you have any queries about this response, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Jinti Gifford
Environmental Planning Advisor
Western Area Government Team, South East Region
Natural England
Block A Government Buildings
Coley Avenue, Coley Park
Reading RG1 6DT
Direct Line: 0118 939 2278

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