From: Julie Shea Sent: 20 October 2009 08:52 To: DC Secretaries Subject: FW: PublicAccess for Planning - Application Comments (09/01275/F) -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: 19 October 2009 18:14 To: Public Access DC Comments Subject: PublicAccess for Planning - Application Comments (09/01275/F) PublicAccess for Planning - Application Comments (09/01275/F) "Hugh Pidgeon" has used the PublicAccess for Planning website to submit their comments on a Planning Application. You have received this message because you are the Case Officer for this application or because this is a designated mailbox for PublicAccess comments submissions. Comments were submitted at 19/10/2009 18:13:33 Application Summary ------------------- Application Number: 09/01275/F Address: Bishops End Burdrop Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Proposal: Alterations and extension to barn to provide 4no. en-suite letting rooms. Case Officer: Shona King Customer Details ---------------- Name: Hugh Pidgeon Address: Burdrop Green Street From Hawkes Lane To Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Oxfordshire Postcode: OX15 5RQ Comments -------- Submission Type: Customer objects to the Planning Application. Comments: For the attention of Shona King, Cherwell District Council Re Planning Application No: 09/01275/F Applicants Name: Geoffrey Richard Noquet Proposal: Alternations and extension to barn to provide 4 en-suite letting rooms From: Hugh Pidgeon Sunday 18th October '09 As one of the neighbours most directly affected by these proposals, I wish to object strongly to them on a number of grounds: 1. The proposed building appears to be two-thirds of the footprint of the pub itself, and from its scale and design must be understood as a proposal for an additional house (see Point 4, below) 2. In its structure and design, it is entirely out of keeping with the pub, which is a Grade II listed building. It sits forward of the pub and is at a significantly raised elevation; it would entirely dominate the pub. 3. Even from the existing drawings, which are far from adequate, the roofline of the proposed building appears to be at least 2 to 3 metres higher than the existing pub roof. To bring it at least into line with the existing roofing levels - required by existing planning regulation - would require sinking the ground storey of the proposed new building into the existing car park, with no natural light to two of the ground floor rooms. Left in its present elevation, it is entirely unacceptable. 4. Although the proposal appears to be for 4 en-suite letting rooms, they appear to all connect with each other. In the case of the fourth room, located in the eaves of the building's roof, it can only be accessed either through Bedroom 3 or Bedroom 1, an acceptable provision for a house, but not for independent letting apartments. 5. The rooms have no facility to be self-catering, but the pub is presently derelict and not in a state to provide any catering provision or additional space. It is entirely puzzling to us that the applicant would wish to spend money on additional building when the existing building is so in need of repair and refurbishment. 6. The proposal requires at least access and parking for four spaces, but at the same time with the proposed surrounding garden the proposal removes 6 spaces from the car-park for the pub. When the Bishop Blaize was a going concern, as I hope it will be once again, the car park was regularly filled and overflowed onto the narrow roads surrounding it. In effect, this proposal would add a further 10 cars requiring parking in an area already desperately cramped for space. 7. Access to the area is already confined and since planning permission has not been given for change of use and on the assumption the pub will one day be restored to its original popularity, any additional building would significantly increase traffic in the area. 8. There is no provision for screened heating fuel tanks or refuse bin areas in the plan, nor for a replacement to the principal support pole for the power cables to the pub which presently stands right in the middle of plan proposed. The building itself is an infilling encroachment that would significantly compromise the integrity of the area as a designated Conservation area. 9. The area is already well supplied with a number of successful bed-and-breakfast businesses, and the market in this very small village is already saturated. PublicAccess for Planning. (c) CAPS Solutions Ltd.