From: on behalf of DC Secretaries
Subject: FW: Planning application reference 08/00899/F

Attachments: Cherwell council re new roads 23.04.08.doc

From: Ian Middleton
Sent: 23 April 2008 18:59
To: Planning
Subject: Planning application reference 08/00899/F

Please find attached letter of objection to planning application 08/00899/F.
I am currently on holiday but have arranged for a hard copy of this letter to be sent to you by special delivery as I feel the subject is so important.  I understand that Friday 25th is the last day for objection lettters to be submitted but have only just recieved a copy of the planning application notice.
I would be very grateful if you could acknowledge receipt of this email and the attached letter in due course.
Ian Middleton
86 Sandy Lane

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